Know Your Worth As A Woman

 I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well. (Psalms 139:14)

Knowing who you are as a woman is what every woman must discover.

Do you know that as a woman you are a light, light to your world which means everything around you as a woman must be bright not just everything but everyone in your life around you must experience the light you carry when it’s come to the light you carry as a woman you must attract things, good things into your life because of the light inside of you, so as a woman, you must know your worth, and if a woman carries light and she is not working in the right direction in life there is no way the light she carries will work effectively that is why every woman must try as much as possible to get everything in her life right because if a woman doesn’t get it right in everything she does in her life then her light will not shine.

What I mean by getting it right is to recognize and know the source of that light, that will make it shine brighter and brighter why I am saying all of these is because some women associate themselves with the wrong people without them not knowing? You know what? as a woman can you ask yourself today who are the types of people I associate myself with: are they making my light shine or are they killing it? Some women don't know that some people are not supposed to be in their lives even for 5 minutes but at the end of the day because of lack of knowledge they end up spending 20years in their lives and by then regrets follow, As a woman who are you associating yourself with? Are they helping your life or are they killing your life?

As a woman, you must know that: 1)failure must not be seen in your life because the light you carry inside of you must show you the way out of failure, 2) Wisdom is one of the ingredients a woman must possess, 3) Progress must follow you every where and be with you at all times because of the light inside of you,4) You must be a solution to all problems as a woman because of the light inside of you, you must be a problem solver what is hard for others to solve you must be able to solve it because you have the light inside of you. Knowing your worth as a woman makes you say psalms 139:14 all the time which says ( I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows well) Yes you are fearfully and wonderfully made why because you are a light, please from today as a woman see yourself as strong, beautiful, wonderful, and powerful because you are the light.

That brings me to how your light must continue to be active because as a woman of light, for your light to be active and for you to always know the type of people you must associate yourself with, also for your light to keep shining brighter and brighter you need Jesus Christ the Son of God as your personal Lord and Savior a woman that doesn’t have Jesus Christ in her life has not started living why because Jesus is the way truth and the light, yes the light every woman and everyone in the world must have is Jesus because he is the light of the world as he has made his children, those who will receive him as their Lord and savior he has made them the light of the world be it a woman or a man a life without Jesus has no covering & no power backing up their life, likewise a life that doesn’t have Jesus in him or her they have no power and protection backing them up, worry not because you are not alone the Freedom himself (Jesus Christ the Son of God) is calling you today Receive him today to be protected and be secured in him I tell you your life will experience a sudden change for greatness. Receive him into your life today by praying the prayers below and place your right hand on your chest;

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior, so help me God and say (Amen).

CONGRATULATIONS!!!  And if you have received Jesus in your Life before now I say congratulations to you and please pray this prayer below:

Dear Lord help me to know you more and give me the grace to always ask for more of you and give me the grace to always abide in you, let the world hear of my testimony of how you have saved me and let their lives be transformed by how you have transformed my life too in Jesus mighty name (Amen). Wonderful believers, please let keep sharing and telling the world about God’s goodness in our lives.

And if you have prayed the (Number 1) prayers above kindly locate the nearest church to see the church pastor and explain everything to him or her of how you have received Jesus into your life and if you are unable to do so for one reason or the other please kindly email us then, please the reason you are asked to contact or meet a pastor or email us is that all of this is just to help you to continue growing in Jesus and to learn more about him, God bless you as you do so.

For any questions, contributions, and suggestions leave a comment in the comment box or please fill our Ask questions & Get answers form below Because we love to hear from you, you can as well drop your contact no. so you can be added to Freedom All Over WhatsApp group to still ask questions and if as a believer you are interested to answer people’s questions about this write-up, you are also welcome to fill the contact form, and am sure it will help people to learn and keep increasing in their knowledge of God. God bless you (AMEN)!





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