Is Your Life Growing Check This

 From Birth to every time you get to any level in life: Do you know it’s a level you have given birth to (which means each level phase) you get to in life it’s a level you need to nurture for growth so you can give it life so it’s can manifest and leave a legacy so other’s will be able to benefit from it and help them know which path to take, plans to make, and know how to reach their goals also in life, these are because the reason every individual was given birth to is for others to benefit from that life, which means your life or the reason you were given birth to is for others to benefit from you not like maybe benefitting wrongly but what I mean is benefitting to help their lives which means every individual was given birth to so their life must help others.

 So if your life right now is not benefitting anyone, people around you, etc. then you need to grow your life. And know this that the life we have is like a plant and when the plant is not watered, how will it grow? 

The 3 secret’s you must know about life is this:

a) GROWTH: There are some people in this life that doesn’t know as they are growing they also need to grow their lives as well, for others to benefit from it, so others can use that information of what helped you to grow your life well and successful to grow their own lives as well. 

Ways to grow in life:

1.     Identifying the source of power and energy that grows your life

2.     Processes for which the life should undergo to grow

3.     To know how to keep on and not letting the source die but by renewing it at all times


b)  LIFE: How to know how this life is benefiting others, asking yourself are other people gaining from your life or it's just growing and no one is benefiting

c) DEATH:  After all of this above is taken care of and death comes…. Ask yourself is it still going to leave a legacy that others will carry on from generation to generations

A life that is not impacting into other lives has not started living, discovering the originator, the giver of the life you are living is your way into discovering ways by which you can grow your life because that life given to you is for a reason which is for that life to benefit others… once you discover the source that has given you that life you are living then you know who you are. Do you know the life without Jesus;{the son of God} has no life in them why because Jesus is the way, the truth, & the life to achieve all of this secret and more, the life of Jesus Christ who died so you can live, he took the pain, shame, suffering, pierced for your transgression & crushed for iniquities all of these punishments brought us peace that you and I are enjoying till date was all on him 

 (Isaiah 53:4-6) and this life we have now and we are living in our body was brought with a price so we can live the normal and comfortable life we are living today, a life without Jesus has no covering or no power backing up that life, 

likewise, a life that doesn’t have Jesus in him or her they have no power and protection backing them up why worry or feel you are alone when you are not or confused about life when the direction and the way for your life the Freedom himself (Jesus Christ the Son of God) is calling you today not just calling you but asking you, will you allow me to step into your life today? Will you let him? Receive him today to be protected and be secured in him I tell you your life will experience a sudden change for greatness. Receive him into your life today by placing your right hand on your chest and pray like this; 

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior, so help me God (Amen).


And if you have received Jesus in your Life before now I say congratulations to you and please pray this prayer below:

Dear Lord help me to know you more and give me the grace to always ask for more of you and give me the grace to always abide in you, let the world hear of my testimony of how you have saved me and let their lives be transformed by how you have transformed my life too in Jesus mighty name (Amen). Wonderful believers, please let us keep sharing and telling the world about God’s goodness in our lives.

 And if you have prayed the (Number 1) prayers above kindly locate the nearest church to see the church pastor and explain everything to him or her of how you have received Jesus into your life and if you are unable to do so for one reason or the other please kindly email us then, please the reason you are asked to contact or meet a pastor or email us is that all of this is just to help you to continue growing in Jesus and learning more about him, God bless you as you do so.

For any questions, contributions and suggestions leave a comment in the comment box or please fill our Ask questions & Get answers form is below Because we love to hear from you, you can as well drop your contact no. so you can be added to Freedom All Over WhatsApp group to still ask questions and if as a believer you are interested to answer people’s questions about this write-up you are also welcome to fill the contact form and am sure it will help people to learn and keep increasing in the knowledge of God. God bless you (AMEN)!



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